目前心中鍋燒意麵第一名: 荒井佳子。
一開始是被這個奇特的店名給吸引,原以為是日本料理店,但仔細看才發現菜單是以台南著名的鍋燒系列為主,店名是為了紀念老闆的奶奶所取。荒井佳子鍋燒系列均一價: $90元,乍看之下似乎有些貴,但是來過的客人都應該都會同意這個價位其來有自。
菜單上寫著"海味",到底有多海味呢? 小魚干湯底裏包含了鮮蝦、干貝柱、蛤蜊、花枝、鮑魚片,另外附上玉米、玉子蘿蔔等等讓湯頭提味的蔬菜,這樣豪華的配料在一般鍋燒意麵的店裡已經很難見到,更難能可貴的是每樣配料新鮮。之前用餐時因為老闆沒批到新鮮的蝦子,所以使用青蚵代替,青蚵的味道很好,不腥不臭、咬起來有種淡淡的奶油味。另外我也非常喜歡熱湯上灑滿的高麗菜絲,中間有小搓蔥花,高麗菜汁沾著高湯後口感依舊相當清脆,細細品嘗讓海味中帶著一些蔬菜特有的清新香氣。
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抬頭看到非常有趣的吊燈設計 |
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老闆在煮麵,小吧檯出現清酒也不違和 |
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照片沒有照出它的美味啊!! 當天買不到新鮮的蝦子,所以老闆用青蚵代替 |
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我喜歡高麗菜絲!! |
Gao-Shao is a way to cook noodles. It means to cook noodles and stock in a small deep pot. Typically, we use a kind of fried noodle, but it's also very common to Gao-Shao Udon and chicken noodles (a kind of thin noodle that looks like Angels' Hair).
As far as I know, Gao-Shao is most popular in Tainan. Among all the Gao-Shao I tried, I like 荒井佳子 (あらいよしこ) the best. The name, あらいよしこㄝ, is in memorial of the owner's grandmother. However, you may have an illusion that you are in a Japanese restaurant mostly because of the tiny space and the design of the restaurant.
The price is slightly higher than others, but you get what you pay for. The service and food are all great. The stock is made from fish and mingled with different sea food: shrimps, clams, squids, scollops, abalone slice- all fresh! Besides sea food, different veggies also sweeten up the stock. I really like the cabbage salad topping. The crunchy cabbage adds more layers to the taste.
Opening hour: from 17:00 - 22:00
Add: No. 102, Dongrong St, East District Tainan City, 701
Opening hour: from 17:00 - 22:00
海味鍋燒烏龍 Udon cooked in seafood stock NTD90
海味鍋燒雞蛋意麵 Fried noodles cooked in seafood stock NTD90
海味雞絲麵 Chicken noodles cooked in seafood stock NTD90
海味湯泡飯 Rice cooked in seafood stock NTD90
Add: No. 102, Dongrong St, East District Tainan City, 701
Opening hour: from 17:00 - 22:00
海味鍋燒烏龍 Udon cooked in seafood stock NTD90
海味鍋燒雞蛋意麵 Fried noodles cooked in seafood stock NTD90
海味雞絲麵 Chicken noodles cooked in seafood stock NTD90
海味湯泡飯 Rice cooked in seafood stock NTD90